Friday, January 30, 2009

We've Got FEET!!!

Just got home from taking Squeak to the Dr. And sending the Freegrazers home at a run (Rosie LOVES her job). Stopped in the barn to check heifers, while on the phone to my sister, and screamed in her ear, "We've got Feet!, gotta go".

I know, we live on a cattle ranch, and these things are supposed to happen. BUT, it's the first one of the year, and we bought her, and I'm really excited and nervous! So, I went in the house to fold laundry. Nothing like something mundane and annoying to get your mind off the subject. But, I will be back outside checking her in another half hour....

I have no clue how you midwives and doula's stay so calm and are so wonderful! I am as nervous as a cat on ice! So, I will check her every half hour, and see if I can help her stretch when the time comes. Then I'll help take care of the calf. I might even try to take some pics. The one at the top shows how long I have to wait,..... a LONG time.

BTW - Calving is 506T (44 from Juli's sale) She is a SPA Blackbird 1407 (angus) bred to Gigolo Joe (Maine Anjou) and was due 2-9-09. This should be a very exciting halfblood Mainetainer calf!

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