HMMMM. That's what I'm still thinking about the PFI conference on Making Sense of Meat Marketing.
The conference as a whole was pretty good. But, it was more of a "big picture" day. And I need the DETAILS! The Devil IS in the Details; & he's giving me fits!!!
There were a couple of big points that were helpful to reinforce in my mind.
1- You are not selling "meat". If they want just meat, they can go to Wal-Mart.
I need to remember that we are selling 60% "Story" and 40% Meat. We are in the people business, not the Meat buisness when I am marketing. This means that I have to take off my production hat sometimes & put on my salesman's hat.
2 - SELL HALVES & QUARTERS!!! It was reiterated over and over (in a great way) that this will be your most profitable, and easiest sale.
Sooooooo, the question now is how to pursue the DETAILS.
And, I haven't mentioned that we have recieved the EQUIP grant for a indoor finishing facility.
We have decided to go ahead and build this barn. We WILL make some major modifications to the conventional methods of using this barn. But I do believe that this barn will allow us to make our animals much more comfortable in a GREAT variety of conditions.
I'm still working on several things that I will share in the days to come. Most importantly is to write a great but yet concise "story" of our Ranch and vision for our cattle. In addition, we will work on our goals for the new Ranch & our game plan.
I'll probably share most of these and ask for tons of imput.
As always, thanks for reading and supporting me.
OH, almost totally forgot, a couple of beef have their final appointment this week, so I'll be calling everyone to finalize any cutting instructions.
Stay cool in this heat!!!
BGF NEWS - February, 2025 - VOL. 54, NO. 5
1 week ago
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